Sehoon Park

Associate Professor

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    Research activity per year

    Personal profile


    Sehoon Park received his Ph.D. in chemistry from Tokyo Institute of Technology in 2008 under the co-supervision of Prof. Kohtaro Osakada and Prof. Daisuke Takeuchi. After postdoctoral research at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in USA with Prof. Maurice Brookhart (2009-2012), at the beginning of 2013 he joined the Chang research group at the Institute for Basic Science (Korea) as a research fellow and recently was promoted to a tenure-track research fellow (2017). He was also an adjunct professor at the Korea University of Science and Technology (2016) until he became an associate professor of chemistry in GTIIT in the spring of 2019.  

    Research Interests

    • C-H Functionalizations of Hydrocarbons
    • Asymmetric Catalysis
    • Metal-Free Organocatalytic Reduction 
    • Single-Site Olefin Polymerization
    • Biomass Conversion 
    • Heterogeneous Catalysis

    Research Group


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