On the shape and connections of micelles: EM imaging inspiring thermodynamic modelling

Dganit Danino*, Thomas Zembc

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

4 Scopus citations


We illustrate in this review the dynamic interplay in the last three decades between progress in imaging of dynamic objects such as micelles and the ripening of predictive models of free energy depending on shape and interactions between micelles. The concept of pseudo-phases by Charles Tanford was the first to successfully explain the sphere-to-rod transition. The concept was further developed in a variety of colloidal systems by Peter Kralchevsky and coworkers. Considering the cylindrical parts, flat parts, rims, connection points and endcaps as pseudo-phases, a large variety of morphologies observed by staining-free cutting edge electron microscopy techniques could be considered as different morphologies resulting from Boltzmann equilibria between pseudo-phases.

We dedicate this paper to Professor Peter Kralchevsky, in appreciation to his many seminal contributions to colloid and interface science, including the enlightening works on micellar systems that had major impact on both the basic understanding of fundamental concepts and the applications of these systems.
Original languageEnglish
JournalCurrent Opinion in Colloid and Interface Science
StateE-pub ahead of print - 24 Aug 2022


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