Biodegradation of dimethyl phthalate by Burkholderia sp. DA2 isolated from marine sediments in the South China Sea

YL Wang, Bo Yin, YG Hong, JD Gu

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Burkholderia sp.DA2 strain isolated from marine sediments in the South China Sea was capable of utilizing dimethyl phthalate(DMP) as the sole source of carbon and energy for biodegradation of DMP,DMT(dimethyl phthalate) and DMI(dimethyl isophthalate).During the transformation of DMP(400mg·L-1),its corresponding intermediates were identified as mono-methyl phthalate(MMP) and phthalate acid(PA) by HPLC analysis.By the 9th day,the DMP concentration was undetectable in the culture,corresponding to a DMP decrease;MMP accumulated to 38.9 mg/L during eight days,at the same time amount of PA was also produced during the first 12 days of degradation;this PA was completely degraded after 15 days.During the transformation of DMT(100mg·L-1),80% DMT was transferred into MMT in one day,but the MMT could not degraded rapidly and accumulated to 80.2mg·L-1,and completely mineralized during eight days.During the DMI(200mg·L-1) degradation,the DMI was transferred into MMI after six days,but the MMI could not further mineralize.Maybe the com-pounds chemical structures infect the activity of the enzyme degradation.The biodegradation pathway of DMP,DMT and DMI was proposed as DMP\DMT\DMI→MMP\MMT\MMI→PA\TA\IA→...→CO2+H2O.
Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Pages (from-to)11
Number of pages1
JournalJournal of Tropical Oceanography
Issue number4
StatePublished - 2010
Externally publishedYes


  • DMP
  • DMI
  • DMT
  • biodegradation
  • marine microorganism

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