Polynomial identities and noncommutative versal torsors

Eli Aljadeff, Christian Kassel*

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18 Scopus citations


To any cleft Hopf Galois object, i.e., any algebra αH obtained from a Hopf algebra H by twisting its multiplication with a two-cocycle α, we attach two "universal algebras" AHα and UHα. The algebra AHα is obtained by twisting the multiplication of H with the most general two-cocycle σ formally cohomologous to α. The cocycle σ takes values in the field of rational functions on H. By construction, AHα is a cleft H-Galois extension of a "big" commutative algebra BHα. Any "form" of αH can be obtained from AHα by a specialization of BHα and vice versa. If the algebra αH is simple, then AHα is an Azumaya algebra with center BHα. The algebra UHα is constructed using a general theory of polynomial identities that we set up for arbitrary comodule algebras; it is the universal comodule algebra in which all comodule algebra identities of αH are satisfied. We construct an embedding of UHα into AHα; this embedding maps the center ZHα of UHα into BHα when the algebra αH is simple. In this case, under an additional assumption, AHα ≅ BHαZHα UHα, thus turning AHα into a central localization of UHα. We completely work out these constructions in the case of the four-dimensional Sweedler algebra.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1453-1495
Number of pages43
JournalAdvances in Mathematics
Issue number5
StatePublished - 1 Aug 2008
Externally publishedYes


  • Cocycle
  • Comodule algebra
  • Galois extension
  • Hopf algebra
  • Polynomial identity


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