The Characterization of Kinetics By Singular Points: Comparison of Supported Vs. Unsupported and Isothermal Vs. Nonisothermal Pt Catalysts in Ammonia Oxidation

J. Schmidt, M. Sheintuch

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8 Scopus citations


Similar multiplicity features were observed during ammonia oxidation on supported or unsupported Pt catalysts, whether in the isothermal or nonisothermal modes of operation. Two types of isothermal multiplicity patterns were observed upon varying ammonia concentration. The simplest model predicting the transition between the two must have a pitchfork singularity. The same singularity accounts also for the diagrams observed with varying oxygen concentration. The singularities of the isothermal kinetics are inferred also from nonisothermal experiments. These similarities suggest that identical kinetic models are responsible for multiplicity in supported and unsupported catalysts. The dependences on either reactant is used to characterize the kinetics by defining the highest order singularity in the temperature—concentrations space. This information is utilized to develop the simplest rate expression which accounts for the observations. The two simultaneous reactions, producing N2 and N2O, were found to ignite and extinguish simultaneously.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)289-309
Number of pages21
JournalChemical Engineering Communications
Issue number4-6
StatePublished - Aug 1986
Externally publishedYes


  • Steady state multiplicity
  • ammonia oxidation
  • catalysis
  • singularity theory


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