Suppressed Mobility of Negative Charges in Polymer Electrolytes with an Ether-Functionalized Anion

Heng Zhang*, Fangfang Chen, Oier Lakuntza, Uxue Oteo, Lixin Qiao, Maria Martinez-Ibañez, Haijin Zhu, Javier Carrasco, Maria Forsyth, Michel Armand

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

63 Scopus citations


Suppressing the mobility of anionic species in polymer electrolytes (PEs) is essential for mitigating the concentration gradient and internal cell polarization, and thereby improving the stability and cycle life of rechargeable alkali metal batteries. Now, an ether-functionalized anion (EFA) is used as a counter-charge in a lithium salt. As the salt component in PEs, it achieves low anionic diffusivity but sufficient Li-ion conductivity. The ethylene oxide unit in EFA endows nanosized self-agglomeration of anions and trapping interactions between the anions and its structurally homologous matrix, poly(ethylene oxide), thus suppressing the mobility of negative charges. In contrast to previous strategies of using anion traps or tethering anions to a polymer/inorganic backbone, this work offers a facile and elegant methodology on accessing selective and efficient Li-ion transport in PEs and related electrolyte materials (for example, composites and hybrid electrolytes).

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)12070-12075
Number of pages6
JournalAngewandte Chemie - International Edition
Issue number35
StatePublished - 26 Aug 2019
Externally publishedYes


  • batteries
  • electrolytes
  • ether-functionalized anions
  • negative charge mobility


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